Regulations on Local Executive Authorities
Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 6, 2012
- General Provisions
1.1. Local executive bodies are established by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.2. In accordance with part 1 of Article 124 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, local executive power is exercised by the heads of local executive authorities.
1.3. Heads of local executive authorities in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, normative legal acts of central executive bodies (in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as the Constitution and laws of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, laws They are guided by international treaties advocated by the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Regulation.
1.4. The heads of local executive authorities base their activities on the principles of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, their legitimate interests, ensuring the development of the economy, social and cultural spheres in the name of improving the welfare of the population of the relevant territory, legality, transparency and consideration of public opinion.
1.5. The head of the local executive body, the apparatus created in order to ensure its activities in the relevant administrative-territorial unit, representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial districts, institutions financed from the state budget, located under the head of the local executive body (hereinafter referred to as the institutions under it), legal entities subordinate to the state (after that - executive bodies). authorities (with the exception of the Ministry of National Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and under them state services and state agencies, as well as central executive bodies (with the exception of the Ministry of National Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan) institutions included in the system of executive authorities and operating in the relevant administrative-territorial unit (hereinafter referred to as local bodies of central executive power) are included in the system of local executive power and carry out state administration in the relevant territory. Local bodies of central executive power provided for in this paragraph shall be in double subordination – they are subordinate to both the relevant central executive body and the head of local executive power.
1.6. Directly subordinate to the head of the local executive body are the apparatus created in order to ensure its activities in the relevant administrative-territorial unit, representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial districts, institutions directly subordinate to the head of the local executive body, as well as legal entities subordinate to him.
Structural subdivisions of institutions and legal entities subordinate to them under the head of the executive power of the city with a district division, carrying out activities in the field of housing and communal services and housing and communal services in the territory of the relevant urban district, collecting and removing household waste, landscaping, landscaping, cleaning and lighting (as well as areas of housing and communal services and executive power of the corresponding urban district) are located in double subordination - they are subordinate to both the head of the executive power of the city and the head of the executive power of the corresponding urban district.
The head of the local executive power shall carry out the general management of the local bodies of central executive power operating in the relevant territory.
1.7. Independent balance sheet of local executive authorities, representative offices of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, institutions under the jurisdiction of the head of local executive power, and legal entities under the jurisdiction of the head of local executive power, which are in use of state property, treasury and bank accounts, it has a seal with the image The State Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan (except for the seals of legal entities subordinate to the head of the local executive power) and with the engraved name of the relevant local executive power, the corresponding stamps and letterheads.
1.8. Expenses for the maintenance and activities of local executive authorities are financed from the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic) and other sources provided for by the current legislation.
- Organization of activities of local self-government bodies
2.1. In accordance with part 2 of Article 124 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan appoints and dismisses heads of local executive authorities.
2.2. In accordance with Article 141 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the heads of local executive authorities in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are appointed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the recommendation of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
2.3. A person appointed by the head of local executive power must have a higher education. Heads of local executive bodies may not simultaneously hold any other elective or appointed positions, engage in any business, commercial and other paid activities, receive a salary other than the official salary and allowances and coefficients to it. Dual citizenship of the head of local executive power, his obligation to other states is not allowed, and he cannot be a clergyman.
2.4. The deputy (deputies) of the head of local executive power shall be appointed and dismissed by the head of the relevant local executive power in coordination with the head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - with the chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
2.5. The Deputy Head (Deputies) of the Baku City Executive Power shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
2.6. Deputy heads of local executive power carry out executive and managerial activities in the territory of the city, district and urban district in accordance with the division of duties, carry out the instructions of the head of executive power.
2.7. In case of absence, vacation or business trip of the head of the local executive power, inability to exercise his powers due to illness or other reasons, his powers shall be exercised by one of the deputy heads of the Executive power in coordination with the head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - with the chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
2.8. Determine the structure and number of staff units of the office of the head of local executive power, representative offices in administrative-territorial districts and representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, structures under the jurisdiction of the head of local executive power and their employees, the maximum number of legal entities subordinate to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the head of local executive power and their employees Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan The Republic shall, in coordination with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, determine.
2.9. The head of the local executive power, in coordination with the head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, may transfer the staff units of the structural subdivisions of his apparatus from one subdivision to another within the framework of the approved exemplary structure of the office of the head of the Executive Power and the number of staff units.
2.10. The procedure for civil servants working in the office of the head of local executive power, in the representative offices of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts, in representative offices in field administrative-territorial districts and in institutions under the head of local executive power is determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service".
2.11. The head of the local executive power in order to consider economic, socio-cultural and other local issues of the city, district and urban district and develop proposals for their solution creates a permanent advisory body-Council. The composition of the council is determined up to 15 people, and the composition of the council under the head of the Executive Power of Baku is up to 25 people.
2.12. The council under the head of the local executive power includes the head of the local executive power, deputy heads of local executive power, and the councils under the heads of executive power of the cities of Baku and Ganja also include the heads of the executive power of the city districts. The Council may also include heads of departments of the office of the head of local executive power, heads of subordinate institutions and local bodies of central executive power (including local bodies of central executive power, excluded by paragraph 1.5 of this provision), as well as heads of departments, organizations and enterprises located on the territory of the city, district and urban district. The personal composition of the council is approved by the head of the local executive power.
2.13. Meetings of the Council under the head of local executive power are held at least twice a month. Meetings of the council shall be convened by the head of the local executive power, and in the absence of the head of the local executive power, by his deputy, who replaces him, and presides over the meeting. Meetings of the Council are competent if more than half of its members are present. Decisions taken at the meeting of the Council are advisory in nature and are documented in the minutes.
2.14. To ensure the implementation of decisions taken at the meetings of the council, the head of the local executive power may issue an appropriate order or order.
2.15. Employees holding administrative positions in the representative offices of the head of local executive power in administrative territorial districts, representative offices in territorial administrative districts and in institutions under the head of local executive power, on the recommendation of relevant representatives and heads of structures, are appointed and dismissed by the head of local executive power in the manner prescribed by law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Service". Makes.
2.16. Civil servants working in the representative offices of the head of executive power on the ground in the administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in the territorial-territorial districts in the field and in the institutions under the jurisdiction of the head of the executive power in the field, the qualification ranks of the civil service are assigned by the head of the executive power in the field on the proposal of representatives and heads of bodies, respectively.
2.17. Employees of legal entities subordinate to the head of local executive power are appointed and dismissed by the heads of these bodies.
- Duties of the Head of Local Executive Power
3.1 General objectives:
3.1.1. the head of local executive power is personally responsible to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the performance of the duties assigned to him;
3.1.2. Carries out the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic also the instructions of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic;
3.1.3. ensures the protection and realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the relevant territory, the protection of property and public order;
3.1.4. ensures the interaction of local executive authorities with local bodies and other state institutions of central executive bodies operating in the relevant territory, as well as with municipalities, non-governmental organizations and other organizations;
3.1.5. Performs the duties assigned to local executive authorities by Articles 35.2, 46.4, 46.5, 46.15, 87.6 and 98.1 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
3.1.6. ensures the implementation of state programs and concepts, measures defined in the action plans approved by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the relevant territory;
3.1.7. coordinates the activities of the bodies under the jurisdiction of the head of executive power and legal entities subordinate to him, carries out current control over the state of accounting and reporting in these bodies;
3.1.8. provide financing and logistical support to institutions under the jurisdiction of the Head of Executive;
3.1.9. represents the city, district, City District in relations with state authorities and other bodies, as well as at official protocol events;
3.1.10. carries out state management of archival affairs in the relevant territory, organizes archival affairs in the office of the head of local executive power, in representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, in representative offices in territorial-administrative districts, in institutions under him and legal entities subordinate to him, including storage, protection of documents, their transfer to the State Archives with selection within the established time limits in accordance with nomenclature ensures the provision;
3.1.11. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Secrets", takes the necessary measures to protect state secrets and secrecy;
3.1.12. exercises the powers of the manager of information obtained as a result of the activities of local executive authorities, as well as organizes the protection of this information from such circumstances as receiving, destroying, modifying, blocking, transferring, distributing, copying without permission;
3.1.13. ensures the security of state information resources and systems used in executive bodies, controls the organization and conduct of work on the protection of information in subordinate institutions and subordinate legal entities;
3.1.14. ensures the implementation of measures in the field of functioning of the state information system, the use of the information and telecommunication network and information protection in the office of the head of local executive power, representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, institutions subordinate to them and subordinate legal entities;
3.1.15. ensures the implementation of the operator functions of the information system created in the local executive power, the mutual exchange of information with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, state bodies, administrations, enterprises and organizations;
3.1.16. In the office of the head of local executive power, in representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, in representative offices in territorial-administrative districts, in institutions under the jurisdiction of the head of local executive power, and legal entities subordinate to him, citizens, their applications, proposals and complaints are received in the manner and within the time limits established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals". provides a review and response to them;
3.1.17. organizes the reception of representatives of departments, enterprises and organizations on issues within the competence of the local executive authority;
3.1.18. provides for the transfer of property for their use when creating representative offices of the head of executive power in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, institutions under him or legal entities subordinate to him;
3.1.19. organizes the activities of local self-government bodies on the basis of annual long-term work plans approved by the head of the local executive body, carries out general management of the activities of institutions within the system of the local executive authority;
3.1.20. local executive authorities take measures to improve the skills of their employees and train reserve personnel;
3.1.21. ensures that the population is informed about the activities of the local executive authority, the creation of a website of the local executive authority, the placement on this site of public information that must be disclosed and determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Access to Information", and the updating of this information, publishes a report on the activities of the local executive power at the end of the year, takes into account public opinion in its activities;
3.1.22. report on its activities to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan at least once a year and within the time limits established by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. And in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the heads of local executive authorities report on their activities to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan at least once a year and to the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic within the established time limits.
3.2. In the field of socio-economic development of the territory:
3.2.1. A controlling stake in central executive bodies, state-owned enterprises and shares of state-owned joint-stock companies, together with local authorities operating in the relevant territory, as well as municipalities and other organizations, analyzes the socio-economic situation of the city, district, urban district, organizes work to identify development trends, forecasting and planning socio-economic development, and study socio-economic development. significant orders of the population, develops proposals for the socio-economic development of the territory and submits them to the relevant central executive authorities;
3.2.2. make proposals for the development of state programs and concepts for the socio-economic development of regions, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, economic and social programs of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, ensure their implementation in the relevant territory, inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the highest official of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and provides annual reports;
3.2.3. ensures the formation and updating of an information base reflecting the indicators of socio-economic development of the relevant territory.
3.3. In the field of development of the agrarian division:
3.3.1. ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of development of the agrarian unit in the relevant territory;
3.3.2. develops local programs aimed at the development of the agrarian unit in the relevant territory, and ensures their implementation;
3.3.3. exercises control over the rational use of state property in the agricultural sector, ensures the protection of the interests of the state in this area;
3.3.4. exercise control over the rational use of agricultural land plots, including summer and winter pastures, in the relevant territory, over the improvement of their quality and use for their intended purpose;
3.3.5. In accordance with Articles 6, 10, 15 and 17 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Land Fertility", takes measures to restore and protect the fertility of lands in the relevant territory.
3.4.0. In the field of budget, taxes and finance: takes measures to implement state policy in the financial, tax and budgetary spheres in the relevant territory.
3.5. In the areas of the consumer market and entrepreneurship development:
3.5.1. takes measures to implement the state policy in the field of the consumer market, development and support of entrepreneurship in the relevant territory;
3.5.2. ensures the formation and updating of a database of legal entities operating in the relevant territory, provided that business entities are not assigned additional obligations.
3.5.3. ensures the formation and updating of the information base on real estate objects in the relevant territory, provided that they are not assigned additional obligations of business entities and owners.
3.6. In the areas of social protection and gender equality:
3.6.1. ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of social protection of the population in the relevant territory;
3.6.2. organizes the preparation of analytical materials and forecasts on social issues in the relevant field, makes proposals on promising areas and main priorities for the development of the social sphere;
3.6.3. ensures the implementation of the state family policy in the relevant territory, organizes the development of the concept of demographic development, the definition and implementation of the action plan for this concept for each year;
3.6.4. determine measures related to the implementation of the state policy in the field of gender equality in the relevant territory and ensure their implementation.
- Powers of the Head of Local Executive Power
4.1. General powers:
4.1.1. Consideration of issues on territorial structure and administrative-territorial division in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Territorial Structure and Administrative-Territorial Division" and making relevant proposals to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
4.1.2. approval of relevant programs and action plans in relation to delegated powers to local executive authorities and control over their implementation;
4.1.3. conduct analyses and generalizations on issues within the competence of these Regulations, prepare analytical materials, make proposals to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and central executive bodies, and in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic;
4.1.4. in order to ensure the resolution of issues of socio-economic and cultural development in the relevant territory, as well as other issues referred by these Regulations and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to his powers, the bodies under the head of the Executive Power, the centralized registration and list of which are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in agreement with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are subordinate to the head of the local of the executive branch. make proposals for the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities having;
4.1.5. structural subdivisions of the Office of the Head of Local Executive Power, with the exception of cases provided for by law, are obliged to approve the Regulations on institutions under the jurisdiction of the Head of Local Executive Power, submit for approval in accordance with the established procedure the charters of legal entities subordinate to them, be guided by the regulations and documents of local central executive bodies included in the system of local executive power submitted to express their attitude to their charter for approval;
4.1.6. approval of the structure of institutions and legal entities subordinate to them under the head of local executive power within the established number of employees;
4.1.7. conducting inspections in the office of the head of local executive power, in representative offices in administrative-territorial districts, in representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, in institutions under him and legal entities subordinate to him;
4.1.8. appointment and dismissal of employees of the Office of the Head of Local Executive Power, employees holding administrative positions in the representative offices of the Head of Local Executive Power in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts and adjacent institutions, as well as heads of legal entities subordinate to them and their deputies, encouragement and disciplinary action against them local self-government, representative offices of structural subdivisions of the office of the head of executive power in administrative-territorial districts, hearing reports of heads of representative offices in territorial districts of field administrative-territorial units, institutions under them and legal entities subordinate to them;
4.1.9. appointment and dismissal of the heads of their local subdivisions in coordination with the central executive authorities in accordance with the annex to this Regulation, or their nomination and dismissal to the relevant central executive bodies;
4.1.10. assignment of appropriate qualification degrees to deputy heads of local executive authorities (except for cases when the degree of qualification of deputy heads of the Baku city executive power is assigned by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan), civil servants working in his office, as well as employees of representative offices in administrative territorial districts, representative offices in field administrative territorial districts and equivalent to them Structures;
4.1.11. organization of attestation of employees of the Office of the Head of Local Executive Power, representative offices of the Head of Local Executive Power in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in administrative-territorial districts of districts, institutions under him, as well as legal entities subordinate to him;
4.1.12. receiving information from them on the activities of local central executive bodies operating in the relevant territory, and making proposals to the relevant central executive bodies to improve the activities of these bodies;
4.1.13. on the cancellation of decisions of representative bodies in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, institutions subordinate to them, as well as legal entities subordinate to them, on the cancellation of such decisions of the heads of local executive bodies, local institutions of state enterprises and joint-stock companies of the relevant central executive bodies, to raise the issue with state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies;
4.1.14. According to Article 6.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Republic of Azerbaijan": creation of mobilization bodies, organization of mobilization training and mobilization, organization of implementation of regulatory legal acts on mobilization preparation and mobilization; development of mobilization plans, implementation of measures to ensure the implementation of mobilization plans, in cooperation with the relevant state bodies; enter into contracts with organizations on the shipment of goods, the performance of work, the distribution of forces and means, the provision of services in order to ensure mobilization training and mobilization; when declaring mobilization, take measures to transfer the economy to wartime conditions; assistance in mobilization work to the State Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan for mobilization and conscription and its local departments, departments and subdivisions in peacetime and during mobilization; organize, in accordance with the established procedure, in accordance with mobilization plans, timely notification and arrival of citizens subject to conscription for military service for mobilization, sending equipment to collection points or military units, commissioning buildings, structures, communications, land, transport and other material resources for their intended purpose; organization of informing the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its local departments, departments and subdivisions about organizations located in the administrative-territorial unit; organization of advanced training of employees of mobilization bodies;
4.1.15. organize the representation of the interests of the local executive body in other state bodies, judicial bodies and local self-government bodies, apply to the court and other bodies on issues within their competence under these Regulations;
4.1.16. send to state and local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities the necessary requests on the activities of local self-government bodies, receive information and documents, as well as provide them with information in accordance with the established procedure;
4.1.17. determine the mass media in which it is planned to publish reports on the activities of the representative offices of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts, representative offices in territorial-territorial districts, institutions subordinate to them and legal entities subordinate to them;
4.1.18. To organize the allocation of premises to the deputies of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, equipped with the necessary equipment for the reception of voters, to inform residents about the place and time of the reception;
4.1.19. assisting the population in the direct implementation of local self-government and the participation of the population in local self-government in the relevant territory;
4.1.20. signing contracts, agreements, payment documents, letters and other documents on behalf of local executive authorities, issuing powers of attorney;
4.1.21. Implementation of public procurement in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Procurement";
4.1.22. organization and holding of events dedicated to international and state holidays, historical and other significant events, as well as days of remembrance in the relevant territory;
4.1.23. To establish, in coordination with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a certificate of honor of the local executive power, to determine the procedure for awarding this decree;
4.1.24. to award the Certificate of Honor of the local executive authorities to persons who have distinguished themselves in the socio-economic, cultural development, social life of the city, district or City district, to apply to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for awarding persons who have distinguished themselves in the socio-economic, scientific, cultural and political life of the city, district or City district;
4.1.25. holding conferences, meetings, seminars and other events, organizing exhibitions;
4.1.26. involvement of independent experts and specialists in its activities;
4.1.27. organization of festive decoration of the territory in connection with holidays and other days of national importance;
4.1.28. Issue of special bulletins and other publications.
4.2. In the field of socio-economic development of the territory:
4.2.1. monitoring and evaluation of the socio-economic development of the relevant territory, informing the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant central executive bodies about the results of monitoring and evaluation;
4.2.2. participation in the implementation of state policy in the field of development of industrial potential in the relevant territory;
- Duties and powers of representatives of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts and in field administrative-territorial districts
5.1. Representatives of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts and territorial administrative-territorial districts have the following duties and powers:
5.1.1. to carry out the instructions of the head of local executive power, to make proposals on issues related to his duties and powers;
5.1.2. studying the socially significant orders of the population, make proposals to the head of local executive power;
5.1.3. organization of the activities of the representative office on the basis of approved long-term business plans;
5.1.4. ensuring the interaction of the representative office with state bodies operating in the territory, as well as with municipalities, non-governmental organizations and other organizations;
5.1.5. coordinate the activities of institutions operating in the field of housing and communal services and housing and communal services in the territory, collecting and removing household waste, landscaping, landscaping, cleaning and lighting (including in the field of housing and communal services and housing and communal services), on issues determined by the head of local executive power;
5.1.6. maintenance of inter-farm accounting books for residential buildings and apartments in apartment buildings located on the territory, as well as a list of farm members and temporary residents;
5.1.7. In accordance with Articles 46.4, 46.5, 46.15 and 87.6 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to submit to the head of the local executive power information about voters who have an active right to vote in the territory for inclusion in the lists of permanent voters, to determine the location of election campaign materials on signs in the territory of polling stations, the local executive power to make proposals to the head;
5.1.8. Reception of citizens in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Procedure for Consideration of Citizens' Appeals", consideration of their applications, complaints and proposals, taking necessary measures and informing citizens about the results;
5.1.9. issuance of certificates and other certificates to citizens residing in the territory confirming their identity, marital status;
5.1.10. informing the population (public) about the activities of the representative office at the reporting meeting at the end of the year;
5.1.11. taking measures of encouragement and disciplinary action in relation to employees of the representative office (with the exception of employees holding administrative positions;
5.1.12. give orders within the limits of their powers.
5.2. In addition to those specified in paragraph 5.1 of these Regulations, the representative of the head of local executive power in the administrative-territorial district carries out state registration of acts of civil status and notarial actions provided for in Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Notaries".
5.3. Representatives of the head of local executive power in administrative-territorial districts and territorial administrative-territorial districts also perform other duties and powers determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- Acts of local executive bodies
6.1. In accordance with part V of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, local executive authorities may adopt normative acts that do not contradict the acts included in the legislative system.
6.2. Acts of local executive authorities of a normative nature are official documents of a certain form adopted by them, reflecting the rules of conduct that are mandatory for a limited number of subjects and intended for repeated use. Acts of executive authorities of local self-government of a normative nature shall be adopted in the form of decisions.
6.3. Normative acts of local executive authorities shall enter into force from the date of their publication in the electronic version of the State Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, unless these acts provide for a later date of entry into force.
6.4. The execution of normative acts adopted by local executive authorities is mandatory for individuals residing in its territory and legal entities located on its territory.
6.5. An act of a local executive authority of a normative nature (its structural element) loses its force in the following cases:
6.5.1. upon expiration of the normative act (its structural element);
6.5.2. in case of cancellation of an act of a normative nature (its structural element);
6.5.3. in case of recognition of an act of a normative nature (its structural element) as invalid (invalid) by a court decision in accordance with Chapter XV of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.6. In connection with the adoption of a normative legal act, all acts of a normative nature or their structural elements of this local executive authority that contradict the norms included in this act, or have actually lost their meaning, or are covered by these norms, or have actually lost their significance in connection with the adoption of a new act of a regulatory nature by the local executive authority, are subject to cancellation. On the abolition of a normative act, a separate norm is adopted by the local executive body that adopted this act, or by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.7. The preparation and adoption of normative acts of local executive authorities are based on the "rules for the preparation and adoption of normative acts of local executive authorities and local self-government" approved by Decree No. 508 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 26, 2011, and on the "rules for the preparation and adoption of normative acts of local executive authorities and local self-government" approved by Decree No. 463 of July 1, 2011. On the Introduction of Legal Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic into the State Register of Legal Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic", registration, publication, entry into force, and other issues related to interpretation and systematization are regulated in accordance with the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Normative Legal Acts", and challenging the legality is regulated by the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.8. The head of the local executive body adopts regulatory legal acts in order to implement specific (one-time) organizational, control or administrative measures or for other one-time cases of application. Normative legal acts are adopted in the form of orders or orders.
6.9. The head of local executive power organizes, checks and exercises control over the implementation of adopted regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts.
- Economic and financial foundations of the activities of local self-government bodies
7.1. The economic and financial basis for the activities of local self-government bodies is state-owned property and disposing of financial resources provided for use by these bodies, ensuring the activities of local self-government bodies and serving to meet the needs of the relevant territory.
7.2. The property used by local executive authorities includes funds allocated from the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - from the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic), the State housing stock, non-residential premises of buildings of the State housing stock, engineering, communication and infrastructure facilities, communal facilities and located on the territory of local executive authorities and in their use includes other property provided.
7.3. Local self-government bodies may also be in charge of land plots, natural objects, financial assets, non-residential premises, educational, cultural, health and sports institutions, other property to meet the economic development of the relevant territory, communal and socio-cultural needs of the population.
7.4. Disposal and management of objects used by local executive authorities is carried out in accordance with the "State Program for Improvement of State Property Management in the Republic of Azerbaijan", approved by Decree No. 586 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 6, 2007.
7.5. In order to ensure local economic and socio-cultural development, the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic) provides allocations for the relevant territorial units. The funds allocated to each city, district and urban district are indicated as a separate line in the local expenditures of the state budget. When drawing up the draft state budget for the next year, the funds allocated for improvement and reconstruction work provided for in urban districts shall be attributed to the local expenditures of the relevant urban district.
7.6. The financial resources of local self-government bodies consist of appropriations from the state budget, extra-budgetary funds and funds received from other sources not prohibited by law.
To the "Regulations on Local Executive Authorities"
- Appoints and dismisses the heads of local divisions of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan in coordination with these central executive bodies.
- The heads of local branches of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, the State Committee on Land Resources and Cartography, the State Statistics Committee and the State Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be appointed and dismissed by the heads of the relevant central authorities upon the recommendation of the head of the local executive power. They do executive bodies.
- For other central bodies of executive power, the legislation may provide for other circumstances and a different procedure.
- Heads of local institutions of state enterprises and joint stock companies, the controlling stake of which belongs to the state, operating in the relevant administrative-territorial unit, shall be appointed and dismissed in coordination with the head of local executive power.