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Presentation of the Master Plan of the capital

16 January 2024 | 14:44

The presentation of the Master Plan of Baku's Development until 2040 has been held in the city's Executive Power. The event was attended by top officials from the Executive Power of Baku and the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, scientists, urban planning experts, architects, prominent public figures, representatives of non-governmental organizations, settlements in Baku, and the media.Welcoming the event participants, Head of the Executive Power of Baku, Eldar Azizov said that the conceptual Master Plan of Baku's Development until 2040 was approved on December 30 of the previous year. The Master plan prepared on the instructions of the President Ilham Aliyev meets all modern requirements and is adopted as a general strategy for the development of the city.

A video about the new Master Plan of Baku City, as well as a wide presentation covering the advantages of the document, the most important points and many issues of interest were demonstrated in the continuation of the event.

The Head of the Department of Construction, Urban Planning, and Municipal Economy of the Cabinet of Ministers Feyruz Mustafayev, Chairman of the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, Anar Guliyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Union of Architects Elbay Gasimzade, Rector of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Gulchohra Mammadova, Chief of the State Service for the Protection, Development, and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Sabina Hajiyeva, representative from the Mardakan settlement in the Khazar district Ilgar Mugbilov, architect Nariman Imamaliyev, and others shared their thoughts and ideas regarding the master plan.It was mentioned that the master plan, prepared by a group of local and foreign specialists, is a highly significant document for the future development of the capital. The document contains information about extensive work planned for Baku until 2040, the city's development prospects, the creation of new infrastructure, parks, and more. The speakers expressed their gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva for the work done to turn Baku into one of the most beautiful cities in the world, further beautification and modernization. 



Press Service Of Baku City Executive Power
